Kōno Hyakuren, the 20th sōke of Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu, added two sets of additional waza, called Dai Nippon Battoho (大日本抜刀法). The Eishin Ryu Battoho are based on techniques from throughout the MJER system, but are performed starting in a standing position. As these waza were added in the 20th century , and developed for the Japanese Imperial Navy, they are not considered to be koryu. We study Eishin Ryu Battoho as part of our MJER lineage and also can be studied as a standalone curriculum.
As a standalone curriculum, Battoho is a good way for traditional empty hand dojos, such as Karate or Jujutsu Dojo, to add a sword based syllabus to their classes.
Jason has an expert eye for taking universal combat principles from his many years of Kenjutsu and bringing them to life in multiple combat disciplines. He has great teaching acumen and will help inspire new starters and hone seasoned practitioners alike.
Tommy Joe Moore, All Round Fucking Badass